Vibrancy Signature Discovery in New York, NY - Deposit

SKU: $50.00
Discover your Vibrancy Signature!

The special pricing for our friends in New York, New York to discover their Vibrancy Signature will be either $195 or $250, depending on whether you would like a 1-hour coaching session with Jamie Champion or 2-hour coaching session with Chaya Grace Champion. When we see you in New York, we'll be happy to help you decide which coaching session is a better fit for you, get it scheduled, and collect the balance.

The total fee also includes the 20-minute evaluation in New York and a custom e-book that you can download following your evaluation.

Once you pay your deposit, you will be directed to our signup page where you can schedule your Vibrancy Signature evaluation appointment. We will email you a receipt as proof of purchase for your deposit. You will need to repeat these steps for each Vibrancy Signature evaluation you want to sign up for. The directions to the location for your evaluation will be emailed to you with your appointment confirmation.
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