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4348 Levon Tevanyan: Old Song - New Dance

SKU: $16.99
Levon Tevanyan is one of Armenia's most prominent woodwind virtuosos and a Presidential ''Honorary Artist of the Republic of Armenia.'' Well-known as a jazz pianist and arranger, he has worked with most of Armenia's leading pop stars and folk ensembles. He has performed throughout the world in the USA, Canada, France, Germany, Austria, Holland, Italy, Slovenia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Lebanon, Syria, The United Saran Emirates and Jordon. A graduate of the Komitas conservatory, he is a student of the prominent artists Ararat Petrosyan, and has appeared as soloists with both the Armenian State Orchestra and Folk Ensemble of Armenia. Here, on his first feature CD, he presents his signature synthesis of jazz and folk melodies, overdubbing seven different folk instruments with his virtuosic piano technique. He has also included guest performances by some of Armenia's legendary folk instrumentalists, weaving together thirty-three melodies in nine tracks...This album is surely one of the most astonishing displays of virtuosity ever to leave Armenia!
Category:World Beat