Orlando Ceaser, Unltd.
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Unlock Your Leadership Greatness

SKU: ISBN-13: 978-0996009706 $21.95
Learn how to become a better leader when you read “Unlock Your Leadership Greatness.” This book provides you with 10 practical keys that will help you lead yourself and others to a better future. Published by Watchwell Communications, Inc., the book has 168 pages and is available in hardback format. We offer the first edition, which is written in English.

Unlock Your Leadership Greatness – Endorsements

"Orlando draws upon his many years in leadership to expound upon 10 principles that unlock the leadership potential in each of us. These simple keys can transform the leader and others within their sphere of influence.”
-Curt Coffman, Author, Culture Eats Strategy For Lunch and First, Break all the Rules.

“A famous quote from Julius Ceasar is that experience is the teacher of all things. True to his similar namesake (albeit surname), Orlando Ceaser has written a blueprint that defines how to unlock leadership attributes. This is recommended reading for anyone challenged with leadership responsibilities, regardless of how it came to be. Whether it was planned, or thrust upon you does not matter. Leaders need resources and this book is an invaluable toolbox for sharpening skills.”
-Fred Roberts, Playwright, Author, and Retired Pharmaceutical Executive

"Part of a leader's ability to unlock their true greatness lies within them; specifically, in their ability to reach their full potential through the fulfillment of their unique, individual purpose. Orlando Ceaser's book 'Unlock Your Leadership Greatness,' can help today's leader do this and much, much more! It's an essential and enlightening read."
-Nathan R Mitchell MBA, President and Founder of the Business Coaching and Leadership Development company, Clutch Consulting LLC

“I really enjoyed Unlock Your Leadership Greatness. I highly recommend this book to all new and experienced leaders. The book is thought provoking and makes you pause and think about your impact on others. Additionally, you will take away tips that you can immediately put into practice. It challenges you to be the best person and leader you can be.”
-Rodney L Gillespie, Global Emerging Markets Leader, Large Pharmaceutical Company

Weight: 0.8 lb.
Length: 8.6 in.
Width: 5.5 in.
Height: 0.7 in. thick
