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The Isle of Knowledge Participant's Workbook

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The Isle of Knowledge Participant’s Workbook

“We feel pressure from our purpose to align our passion with our potential.” - Orlando Ceaser

People are more objective and receptive as they watch another person’s journey. For some reason they can clearly see the right thing to do, as long as it doesn’t involve them. People give advice to others, even though they are reluctant to accept comments. Many times they don’t listen to what they know are the right thing to say and do. They also respond well to stories, parables and fables as a good way to learn a lesson. For these reasons I decided to deliver messages in a story format with examples that are hopefully, easy to follow and more importantly, easy to remember and apply in real life.

The Isle of Knowledge is a fable about a journey to a fictional island in the South Pacific. The island is a pilgrimage destination for inspiration and self discovery. Koach Root is our tour guide. The reader will learn practical and valuable lessons. Their travel companions on this odyssey are Conscience and Choice. They are useful friends who engage in insightful conversation and candid feedback.

The Isle of Knowledge Workbook allows the reader to engage with the text. Its purpose is to illuminate the text by asking the participant to answer questions that are strategically placed at the end of various segments. The reader can use their responses to make the material practical as they are exposed to several decision making modules.

Experiences gained on this journey should transform our thinking. The “Q” Society and The Royal Order of the Know are the inhabitants who will enlighten us and help us ask better questions as we increase our self awareness. Along the way we will be exposed to Possibility, Hope, Wonder, Thought and Action and other characters to challenge us to fully appreciate Life.

The Know System™ began as a simple word game inspired by an advertisement in an airport. Through mental gymnastics a series of words somersaulted into my mind. Apparently, there are several words within the word know which can be useful in helping us gather vital information.

The Know System™ is a process to assist people in asking the right questions to gather the information needed to make better decisions. It is simple to use and can be applied to any situation requiring a decision.

Many of us do not have a standard system of making decisions that is organized and used consistently. This workbook will help us explore the messages in the Isle of Knowledge and gain the most from our journey of inspiration and discovery.