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Teach the Children to Dance Paperback

SKU: ISBN-10: 1553061918 $9.95
Subject Index <- Please click for the index.

Teach the children to dance is an anthology of poems representing life experiences. Dance is used as a metaphor for the skills and abilities that children must acquire to be successful. The 84 poems cover a diverse range of topics; achievement, business, communications, comfort, death and dying, diversity, faith, home and family, leadership, life, motivation and reflection, parenting, peer pressure, romance and tribute.

We are dance instructors, gifted by our Creator with talents and abilities that make us unique. We have practiced our craft in church, in school and at work. Our dance routines were honed on street corners, play grounds, in living rooms, beauty parlors and barber shops, wherever conversations were held. We have learned new moves and perfected our signature techniques along our journey, developing our own sense of style.

As dance instructors, we must capitalize on teachable moments to pass our skills on to our children. They have challenges, as forces try to distract and devalue their potential. We are obligated to inspire, educate, motivate, up lift their spirits and self esteem. They need to have the advantages of old school wisdom and common sense to complement their technology, to create their own dance steps and develop their own sense of style.

We must teach the children to dance and give them the opportunities, resources and perspectives to succeed in a difficult world.