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Piercing the Corporate Veil & Turning the Judgment into Money CLE -- 24/7 On-demand Recording & Complimentary Podcast

SKU: 1678954 $179.00 $149.00 Rossdale Savings:: $30.00

Learn the latest on Piercing the Corporate Veil & Turning the Judgment into Money with this convenient, 24/7 On-demand Seminar & Complimentary Podcast. Register to obtain CLE & MCLE credit, online access to complete course & reference materials, and attend this on-demand seminar. YOU MAY LISTEN FROM ALMOST ANY TYPE OF COMPUTER OR IPOD. ACCESS TO THE RECORDING AND MATERIALS DOES NOT EXPIRE.

Piercing the Corporate Veil & Turning the Judgment into Money CLE
90-Minute On-demand Seminar & Complimentary Podcast
Includes Online Access to Complete Course/Reference Material & Complimentary Podcast.

Register for CLE & MCLE credit - specific credit hours are listed at the bottom of this page.


Piercing the corporate veil & turning judgments into money have become increasingly difficult in recent years with the economic recovery and changes in the law. As more clients need to collect on debts and judgments, it is increasingly critical for practitioners to be fluent with the cutting-edge techniques and best practices to pierce & protect the corporate veil, locate assets, and enforce judgments against the most elusive debtors. The growing number of bankruptcies, foreclosures, and judgments has dramatically increased the need for attorneys proficient in the science of effective judgment enforcement and asset recovery. The Rossdale faculty for this seminar includes several leading authorities in this practice, who will describe judgment recovering remedies, piercing & protecting the corporate veil, navigating complex searches, strategies on enforcing judgments, fraudulent transfers, and communicating with debtors. This convenient, telephonic seminar will also include discussion on the latest decisions and rules governing collection and enforcement cases. Registration includes online access to course and reference materials that serve as a helpful guide to the numerous topics and techniques discussed in the program.


1. Effectively Piercing & Protecting the Corporate Veil:

a. Veil Protection Strategies

b. Liabilities for the Obligations of the Entity

c. Best Practices in Litigating the Veil Piercing Case

d. Minimizing Veil Piercing Problems & Fraudulent Conveyances

e. What Litigators Need to Know

2. Turning Judgments into Money:

a. Utilizing Liens & Court Orders

b. Best Practices on Garnishments

c. Execution & Dormancy of Judgments

d. Strategies on Levying on Assets

e. Techniques in Aid of Execution

3. Recovering Judgments & Assets:

a. Conducting Conventional Discovery

b. Strategies on Discovery through Online Resources

c. Developments in Asset Collection

d. What You Need to know about the Fair Debt Collection Practices

4. Recorded Question & Answer Session

Biography of Seminar Faculty:

1. Pamela J. Palmer is a leading authority on judgment collection and enforcement. Ms. Palmer has concentrated her practice in the area of Creditors’ Rights including Commercial and Retail Litigation for over two decades. She served as managing attorney for several leading collection law firms. She has also served in numerous leadership positions for bar associations and is particularly involved in the collection law community. She was a member in the Commercial Law League and previously participated in the National Association of Retail Collection Attorneys. She is a founding member of the Creditors’ Rights/Asset Protection organization comprised of collection attorneys throughout the region. She served as the Secretary for her state Creditors’ Bar Association for two years. Ms. Palmer has been designated to serve as the County Collector in litigation for collection of personal property taxes.

2. Matthew T. McLaughlin is a commercial litigation partner with Venable LLP. Having practiced law for two decades, Mr. McLaughlin has deep experience in many litigation practice areas including complex commercial disputes, securities litigation, product liability defense, and construction litigation. He has also appeared before the American Arbitration Association and NASD mediation panels. He offers clients significant trial and appellate practice experience, having been lead counsel in bench and jury trials related to a variety of commercial contract and business tort disputes. Mr. McLaughlin has recently represented multiple officers and directors of multinational corporations who were sued in class actions and shareholder derivative actions for securities law violations and other common law, commercially-based tort claims. Additionally, Mr. McLaughlin is an Adjunct Professor of Business Law at Fordham University.

2. Zachary G. Newman is a Partner at Hahn & Hessen, where he represents public and private companies, national banking associations, commercial lenders, leasing companies, and hedge funds in business litigation throughout the United States. His practice focuses on Banking Litigation (enforcing multimillion dollar credit facilities on behalf of national and regional banks and institutional and specialty lenders, securing provisional remedies, and defending lender liability litigation); Commercial Litigation (litigating contract disputes, commercial insurance claims, aircraft lease disputes, unfair competition and restrictive covenants, bankruptcy disputes and judgment enforcement); Fiduciary Litigation (contested accountings, Prudent Investor Act claims, and breach of fiduciary duty claims); and Art and Antique Litigation (national and international reacquisition of lost or stolen art, repossessions and liquidations and disputes regarding valuations, fraudulent auctions, consignor-lender issues and lien priority). Given his expertise, Mr. Newman has been called upon to speak on topics ranging from judgment enforcement and best lending practices to lender liability and the rights of art consignors.

Who should attend this seminar?
Attorneys, paralegals, and legal professionals.

You will receive access to recording, podcast, course & reference material, and information related to CLE/MCLE credit as soon as you register with a credit card or when your check is processed.

CLE ACCREDITATION: Rossdale CLE is a national leader in attorney education and has trained thousands of attorneys, paralegals, and other legal professionals. Attend this live telephonic seminar for CLE & MCLE credit with the following pending & approved jurisdictions:

Alaska Bar Association for 1.5 CLE Credits *

Arizona State Bar for 1.5 CLE credits**

State Bar of California for 1.5 MCLE credits

Colorado Supreme Court Board of Continuing Legal & Judicial Education for 1.8 CLE Credits

Connecticut (CLE credits are not required, but are encouraged)**

District of Columbia (CLE credits are not required)***

Florida Bar for 2.0 CLE credits

Georgia Bar for 1.5 CLE credits

Hawaii State Board of CLE for 1.5 CLE credit

Idaho State Bar for 1.5 CLE credits

Indiana Commission for Continuing Legal Education for 1.5 CLE Credits

Louisiana Supreme Court Commission on MCLE for 1.5 MCLE credits

Maryland (CLE credits are not required)**

Massachusetts (CLE credits are not required)**

Michigan (CLE credits are not required)**

Minnesota State Board of Continuing Legal Education for 1.5 CLE credits (live credit only)

Mississippi Commission on Continuing Legal Education for 1.5 CLE credits

Nebraska Mandatory Continuing Legal Education for 1.5 CLE credits

Nevada Board of Continuing Legal Education for 1.5 CLE credits

New Jersey Board on Continuing Legal Education for 1.5 CLE credits (per Rule 201:4)

New Mexico Minimum Continuing Legal Education Board for 1.5 CLE credits

New York State Bar for 1.5 CLE credits

North Carolina State Bar Continuing Legal Education for 1.5 CLE credits

Oregon State Bar for 1.5 CLE credits

Rhode Island Mandatory Continuing Legal Education Commission for 1.5 CLE credits

South Dakota (CLE credits are not required)**

Texas State Bar for 1.5 CLE credits

Utah State Board of Continuing Legal Education for 1.5 MCLE credits

Vermont Mandatory Continuing Legal Education Board for 1.5 CLE credits

Virginia State Bar for 1.5 MCLE credits

Washington State Board of Continuing Legal Education for 1.5 MCLE credits

Wisconsin Board of Bar Examiners for 1.5 CLE credits

Wyoming State Bar for 1.5 CLE credits

Additional States - call customer service at (888) 626-3462

* Members of the Alaska Bar Association may report 1.5 CLE credits for participating in this course as it has been approved by other mandatory CLE jurisdictions for 1.5 CLE credits.

** The State Bar of Arizona does not approve or accredit CLE activities for the Mandatory Continuing Legal Education requirement. This activity may qualify for up to 1.5 hours toward your annual CLE requirement for the State Bar of Arizona, including 0 hour(s) of professional responsibility.

*** States that do not require CLE are indicated above. Rossdale does not apply for CLE in these states as CLE credit is not required. For additional questions, please call 888-626-3462.


You will receive an on-demand download of the seminar, accompanying materials, and information to report the CLE credits as soon as you register with a credit card or when we process your check.

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