Learn the latest on Obtaining Disability, Social Security, & Healthcare Benefits with this convenient, 24/7 On-demand Seminar & Complimentary Podcast. Register to obtain CLE & MCLE credit, online access to complete course & reference materials, and attend this on-demand seminar. YOU MAY LISTEN FROM ALMOST ANY TYPE OF COMPUTER OR IPOD. ACCESS TO THE RECORDING AND MATERIALS DOES NOT EXPIRE.
Obtaining Disability, Social Security, & Healthcare Benefits CLE
90-Minute On-demand Seminar & Complimentary Podcast
Includes Online Access to complete Course/Reference Material & Complimentary Podcast.
Register for CLE & MCLE credit - specific credit hours are listed at the bottom of this page.
Benefits: Representing clients in obtaining elder, Social Security, ERISA, government benefits and long-term disability benefits provides consistent workflow and has recently become one of the most in-demand practices. Understanding the subtleties and best practices of government benefits enables effective planning to ensure that your clients’ medical needs are covered. Social Security programs are a significant source of cash and health benefits for individuals with disabilities. At the same time, recent changes to the area of government benefits has led to a surge in interest in ERISA, disability and elder planning. From the underlying substantive law to practical aspects, this seminar will cover the latest developments, cutting-edge practices, and techniques related to benefits, claims, appeals, grievances in this evolving practice. Registration includes access to course and reference materials that serve as a helpful guide to the numerous topics and techniques discussed in this convenient, on-demand seminar.
Agenda: 1. Mastering Social Security, ERISA, Long-term Disability, & Government Benefits: a. Effectively Utilizing Sources of Long-Term Care Funding & Insurance
b. State and Local Programs Funding Home Care
c. Medicaid Benefits & Eligibility Requirements
d. Mastering Short-Term Disability Benefits
e. Assessing the Client's Current and Future Needs
f. Records to Obtain & Agreements/Documents to Sign
g. Building A Prima Facie Case Under the Social Security Act
h. Understanding the Application & Appeals Process
i. Mastering ERISA Benefits
j. Effectively Seeking Long-term Disability Benefits
Recorded Question & Answer Session 1.
David L. Trueman is an attorney as well as a psychologist and a graduate of Columbia University School of Law. He represents individuals and health care professionals in a variety of areas including practice issues, health care coverage and reimbursement, insurance matters, long-term disability, and medical malpractice. He has made law at the federal appellate level by enhancing patients' rights' in relation to insurance companies and managed care entities. Dr. Trueman often writes and lectures on health law, insurance, and managed care issues, and is a frequent speaker nationally in before audiences of practicing attorneys. He is an Adjunct Professor of Law at Columbia University School of Law where he teaches "Health Law" and "Access to Health Care."
Brent Brehm is a Partner at Cantor & Cantor, one of the preeminent firms in the area of ERISA (Employee Retirement Income Security Act) and bad faith insurance litigation. Mr. Brehm focuses on disability, life, health, and long term care insurance benefits. He has spent his entire legal career litigating on behalf of client seeking to receive insurance benefits. His efforts have been recognized by multiple legal publications as being listed as a SuperLawyer. Mr. Brehm has resolved over 250 disputes with insurance companies on behalf of his clients.
Stacy Elizabeth Thompson is a Partner at Bluestein & Nichols, LLC, where she focuses her practice on Social Security Disability Law. Ms. Thompson is a sustaining member of the National Organization of Social Security Claimant’s Representatives and has been elected to serve on its Board to represent two different federal circuits. Ms. Thompson has also served in leadership positions in numerous bar association committees on Social Security Disability. She has spoken and written widely on case evaluation, initial interviews and case development.
CLE ACCREDITATION: Rossdale CLE is a national leader in attorney education and has trained thousands of attorneys, paralegals, and other legal professionals. Attend this convenient, on-demand seminar & podcast for CLE & MCLE credit with the following pending, available, & approved jurisdictions:
Alabama State Bar MCLE Commission for 1.5 MCLE credits
Alaska Bar Association for 1.5 CLE Credits *
Arizona State Bar for 1.5 CLE credits**
California State Bar for 1.5 MCLE credits
Colorado Supreme Court Board of Continuing Legal & Judicial Education for 1.8 CLE Credits
Connecticut for 1.5 CLE Credits
District of Columbia (CLE credits are not required)***
Florida Bar for 2.0 CLE credits
Georgia Bar for 1.5 CLE credits
Hawaii State Board of CLE for 1.5 CLE credits
Idaho State Bar for 1.5 CLE credits
Indiana Commission for Continuing Legal Education for 1.5 CLE Credits
Iowa Commission on Continuing Legal Education for 1.5 CLE Credits
Kansas Continuing Legal Education Commission for 1.5 CLE Credits
Kentucky Bar Association for 1.5 CLE Credits
Louisiana Supreme Court Commission on MCLE for 1.5 MCLE credits
Maryland (CLE credits are not required)***
Massachusetts (CLE credits are not required)**
Michigan (CLE credits are not required)***
Minnesota State Board of Continuing Legal Education for 1.5 CLE credits
Mississippi Commission on Continuing Legal Education for 1.5 CLE credits
Missouri Bar for 1.8 MCLE Credits
Montana Commission of CLE for 1.5 CLE Credits
Nevada Board of Continuing Legal Education for 1.5 CLE credits
New Hampshire for 1.5 CLE credits ****
New Jersey Board on Continuing Legal Education for 1.5 CLE credits (per Rule 201:4)
New Mexico Minimum Continuing Legal Education Board for 1.5 CLE credits
New York State Bar for 1.5 CLE credits
North Carolina State Bar Continuing Legal Education for 1.5 CLE credits
Ohio - Supreme Court of Ohio Commission on CLE for 1.5 CLE Credits
Oklahoma Bar Association for 1.5 CLE Credits
Oregon State Bar for 1.5 CLE credits
Pennsylvania Continuing Legal Education Board for 1.5 CLE Credits
Puerto Rico for 1.5 CLE credits (Tribunal Supremo de Puerto Rico)
Rhode Island Mandatory Continuing Legal Education Commission for 1.5 CLE credits
South Dakota (CLE credits are not required)***
Tennessee Commission on CLE for 1.5 CLE Credits
Texas State Bar for 1.5 CLE credits
Utah State Board of Continuing Legal Education for 1.5 MCLE credits
Vermont Mandatory Continuing Legal Education Board for 1.5 CLE credits
Virginia State Bar for 1.5 MCLE credits
Washington State Board of Continuing Legal Education for 1.5 MCLE credits
Wisconsin Board of Bar Examiners for 1.5 CLE credits
Wyoming State Bar for 1.5 CLE credits
Additional States - call customer service at (888) 626-3462
* Members of the Alaska Bar Association may report 1.5 CLE credits for participating in this course as it has been approved by other mandatory CLE jurisdictions for 1.5 CLE credits.
** The State Bar of Arizona does not approve or accredit CLE activities for the Mandatory Continuing Legal Education requirement. This activity may qualify for up to 1.5 hours toward your annual CLE requirement for the State Bar of Arizona, including 0 hour(s) of professional responsibility.
*** States that do not require CLE are indicated above. Rossdale does not apply for CLE in these states as CLE credit is not required.
**** The New Hampshire does not approve or accredit CLE activities for the Continuing Legal Education requirement. Pursuant to NH Supreme Court Rule 53, this activity may be counted for up to 1.5 CLE hours.
For additional questions, please call 888-626-3462.
REGISTER FOR CLE CREDIT AND LISTEN & LEARN AT YOUR CONVENIENCE WITH THIS CONVENIENT 24/7 ON-DEMAND SEMINAR & PODCAST. You will receive an on-demand download of the seminar, accompanying materials, and information to report the CLE credits as soon as you register with a credit card or when we process your check.