ISCC International Society of Canine Cosmetologists
(972) 414-9715
Garland, TX 75040
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57 result(s)

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86. MPS Test 210

86. MPS Test 210

Practical Skills Test for Non-Sporting Breeds
87. MPS Test 211

87. MPS Test 211

Practical Skills Test for Sporting Breeds
88. MPS Test 212

88. MPS Test 212

Practical Skills Test for Terrier Breeds
A. ICPG Test 250

A. ICPG Test 250

Skin & Coat, Topical Conditioning, Ectoparasites & Insecticides
A. ISCC Certification Study Guide, Addendum & SuperCoats Book Insert Set

A. ISCC Certification Study Guide, Addendum & SuperCoats Book Insert Set

Required Study Materials for anyone participating in the PDS, ICPG or MPS written test process. Included in the "Individual" and "Salon" Membership Packages.
A. ISCC Membership Pin

A. ISCC Membership Pin

Available ONLY to ISCC Members In Good Standing. The ISCC Membership Pin is included with the purchase of an ISCC Membership. Choose this if you wish to replace a lost Pin or need extra Pins
A. MPS Test 201

A. MPS Test 201

Clipper Techniques
A. PDS Test 101

A. PDS Test 101

Skin & Coat
A. Pet Care Facility Program Fee

A. Pet Care Facility Program Fee

The ISCC Petcare Facility program provides assistance/certification to Salon Owners who wish to bring their facilities into compliance with industry standards, practices & procedures. Let your clients know you believe in excellence. Sign up now!
A. Styling the Bichon Frise

A. Styling the Bichon Frise

Featuring award winning Pet Stylist, Vero Da Sylva, these 2 DVDS (1hr. each) will teach you how to pet and show trim the Bichon Frise. Approved study aid for the ICPG and MPS Practical Skills exams.
B. ICPG Test 251

B. ICPG Test 251

Health & First Aid, Canine Anatomy, Zoonotic Diseases and Sanitation
B. Individual Membership Discounted Renewal (prior to 1/1/18)

B. Individual Membership Discounted Renewal (prior to 1/1/18)

Choose if you are an individual seeking to renew your membership for the current year and purchased the Individual Membership with "Lifetime Discounted Renewal Plan" prior to January 1, 2018.
B. ISCC Achievement Bars

B. ISCC Achievement Bars

Available ONLY to ISCC Members In Good Standing who have completed one or more phases of the ISCC Certification Programs. Choose only if you eligible to wear the appropriate Bar - or wish to replace Bar that is lost or obtain an extra Bar.
B. ISCC Certification Study Guide with SuperCoats Book Insert

B. ISCC Certification Study Guide with SuperCoats Book Insert

Required Study Aid for anyone participating in the PDS, ICPG or MPS written tests process. Included in the "Individual" and "Salon" Membership Packages.
B. MPS Test 203

B. MPS Test 203

Dynamics of Scissoring
B. PDS Test 102

B. PDS Test 102

Topical Conditioning of Skin & Coat
B. Pet Care Facility Certification CD (Member Only)

B. Pet Care Facility Certification CD (Member Only)

Required Study Aid for ISCC Petcare Facility program. PowerPoint CD provides essential information for facility standards, business practices & operating procedures required for Petcare Facility Certification.
B. Styling the Kerry Blue Terrier DVD

B. Styling the Kerry Blue Terrier DVD

Featuring award winning and GroomTeam USA Hall of Fame Recipient, Scott Wasserman, this outstanding DVD demonstrates pet and show styling of the Kerry Blue Terrier. Approved ISCC Study aid for the ICPG Practical Skills exams.
C. ICPG Test 252

C. ICPG Test 252

Animal Behavior & Management
C. Individual Membership Discounted Renewal (after 1/1/18)

C. Individual Membership Discounted Renewal (after 1/1/18)

Choose if you are an individual seeking to renew your membership for the current year and purchased the Individual Membership with "Lifetime Discounted Renewal Plan after January 1, 2018.
C. ISCC 1st Aid & CPR Pin

C. ISCC 1st Aid & CPR Pin

Available to individuals who successfully completed the ISCC Pet Injury Prevention, 1st Aid & CPR Certification course and tests. Choose if you wish to replace a Pin that is lost - or if you need additional Pins.
C. ISCC Study Guide Addendum

C. ISCC Study Guide Addendum

Required Study Aid for individuals participating in the PDS, ICPG & MPS written tests. Its question-based format makes it the perfect companion to the ISCC Study Guide. Included in Membership Packages.
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