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XSWIM Slim Minnow

SKU: $4.99
The Davis Bait XSWIM Slim Minnow has a natural bait fish profile which attracts the big ones. The Davis Bait XSWIM Slim Minnow was designed around The DAVIS SHAKY FISH To be used as trailer which gives it the best bait fish swimming action but can also be rigged with The Davis Bait XSWIM SS weighted hook or it can be fished weightless. The DAVIS XSWIM Slim Minnow comes in 4 inch and 7 fish catching colors.


(844) 339-0301

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2024 ARC of So. Talladega Co/ Davis Bait/Slyacauga Marine ATV  BASS Tournament Registration is available by clicking on the following link: https://linktr.ee/Sylacaugamarine

This Tournament benefits The ARC of South Talladega County and is hosted by Davis Bait Company and Sylacauga Marine & ATV along with all of our Sponsors. The Flyer is below with an IMPORTANT RULE Change Regarding the BAIT you can use!