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Davis XSwim SS Under Spin - 3/8 oz

SKU: $5.99
Davis Baits XSwim SS Under Spin 3/8 oz. The Davis Baits XSwim SS Under Spin takes your favorite minnow type plastic to the next level with a boost of brilliance. Fitted with a top-notch Sampo ball bearing swivel and an extra-bright willow blade, the Davis Baits XSwim SS Under Spin flutters and flashes as it moves through the water, offering an easy target for hungry predators. Add a Davis Little Wills Swim Minnow for an Awesome catch.


(844) 339-0301

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2024 ARC of So. Talladega Co/ Davis Bait/Slyacauga Marine ATV  BASS Tournament Registration is available by clicking on the following link: https://linktr.ee/Sylacaugamarine

This Tournament benefits The ARC of South Talladega County and is hosted by Davis Bait Company and Sylacauga Marine & ATV along with all of our Sponsors. The Flyer is below with an IMPORTANT RULE Change Regarding the BAIT you can use!