Made of select Cocobolo, Mopane or African blackwood, mounted with Hard maple, cocobolo,African Blackwood, imitation horn or imitaion Ivory
Real Smallpipe sound for playing indoors, or along with other instruments.
The drones mount to a common stock, using our own miniature drone reeds.
These can be stopped, by tapping the drone top for ease of tuning. They give a rich stable sound, and thread into the drone.
The reeds are matched to the A440 or Bb, 466 chanters. This set come with a rich sounding cocobolo or blackwood chanter
The pipe comes ready to play with Bannatyne synthetic bag and water-trap, Bag cover, fully reeded.
Adding an alternate pitch chanter & reeds makes this a truly versatile instrument!
Now available with bellows for a true smallpipe experience!