This is a podcast only. If you want the presentation and worksheets too, you'll want to get the complete webinar.
View Full Webinar
This is a useful webinar to get if you want to:
- Lead a team that needs to do something new or different
- Secure resources or sponsorship for project
- Increase your influence in general
- Improve your confidence and persuasiveness with executives
- Keep an organization highly motivated throughout a long project
- Regularly communicate with multiple, diverse audiences
This webinar covers how to make sure your ideas and strategies are understood and acted on:
- Get employees, bosses, and stakeholders ready/willing to hear you
- Translate so your audience can relate and connect
- Create optimal trust, understanding and buy-in
- Change from broadcast to real conversation
- Build expected actions in from the beginning
Worksheets include:
- Team Communication Plan
- Boss & Stakeholder Communication Plan
- Timeline Template
- Business Strategy Summary
- Ruthless Priorities Summary
- Impact Report Template