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2. Limitations: In no event shall AC’s Yummy Jerky LLC or its suppliers be liable for any damages (including, without limitation, damages for loss of data or profit, or due to business interruption,) arising out of the use or inability to use the materials on this site.


3. Revisions: The materials appearing on this web site could include technical, typographical, or photographic errors. AC’s Yummy Jerky LLC does not warrant that any of the materials on its web site are accurate, complete, or current. AC’s Yummy Jerky LLC may make changes to the materials contained on its web site at any time without notice and does not make any commitment to update the materials.


4. Links: AC’s Yummy Jerky LLC has not reviewed all of the sites linked to its Internet website and is not responsible for the contents of any such linked site. The inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by AC’s Yummy Jerky LLC of the site. Use of any such linked website is at the user's own risk.


5. Site Terms of Use Modifications: AC’s Yummy Jerky LLC may revise these terms of use for its website at any time without notice. By using this website you are agreeing to be bound by the then current version of these Terms and Conditions of Use.


6. Intellectual Property: Our website may contain service marks or trademarks in the form of words, graphics and logos.  Your use of our website does not constitute any right or license for you to use such trademarks or graphics without prior written consent.  Our website is also protected under international copyright laws and the copying, redistribution, use or publication of any portion of our website is strictly prohibited.  Use of our website does not grant ownership rights of any kind in our website.


7. Money-Back Guarantee: Our money back guarantee is a guarantee against defective product packaging. Defective packaging is when the package shows irregularities such as improper sealing, tear, or punctures. If any of these issues are present, please let us know within 3 business days of receiving your product. Three business days will be counted from the date and time that your package is delivered. (Business days are Monday thru Friday.) Upon receipt of the damaged product, your money will be refunded.


8. Returns, Exchanges, Refunds: All sales are final. After you submit your order information to us no exchanges, modifications, quantity changes, or flavor changes are allowed.