Transdermal natural progesterone creme for men with prostate problems, increased urinary urge, hair loss, burned out feeling, abdomnial fat, or difficulty sleeping. Formulated with USP Bio-identical Progesterone, Pygeum Bark, Stinging Nettle, Saw Palmetto, Damiana Extract, Siberian Ginseng, Chamomile Extract, & Rosemary Extract. (2 oz.)
About Our Lab
Our lab is Registered with the FDA and our cremes and products are cGMP compliant
Pro-MEN is a bio-identical transdermal natural progesterone creme designed to help men with the following symptoms:
Burned out feeling
Abdominal Fat
Prostate Problems
Decreased mental clarity
Decreased Sex Drive
Increased Urinary Urge
Decreased strength
Decreased Stamina
Difficulty Sleeping
Irritable / Anxious / Depressed
Night Sweats
Poor Concentration
Sluggish / Lethargic
Erectile Dysfunction
Unable to Lose Weight
Hair Loss
Instructions: Apply ¼ tsp (about 10 mg). once daily on inner arms, wrist, palms of hands, chest, throat or perineum.
Ingredients: Purified Water, Evening Primrose Oil, Safflower Oil, Progesterone Micronized USP, Saw Palmetto Extract, Damiana Leaf Extract, Aloe Vera Extract, Rheosol, Chamomile Extract, Siberian Ginseng Extract, Stinging Nettle Leaf Extract, Pumpkin Seed Extract, Pygeum Bark Extract, Rosemary Leaf Extract, Vitamin E Oil, Phenonip.
Other Important Characteristics of Our Bio-Identical Progesterone Cremes
Toxin Free
No Synthetic Fragrances; No Fragrance
Made in the USA in small batches for optimal benefits
"In the last 2 weeks consistently my husband has had noticed cognitive function and calm mental state. Like a total miracle. Like night and day. Plus hes reported noticeably hugely improved sleep and balanced feeling rounded. Plus what's interesting is now I think hes more relaxed and its happening more but in a total relaxed way. I got my husband back that I married. Calm, smiling and optimistic and clear headed. Thanks Barbara"
"I had every symptom of prostate enlargement and also had no true energy or libido. My wife bought me a jar of Pro-MEN and I had almost immediate relief. My symptoms have disappeared and I am 'feeling my oats' again, if you know what I mean. I want to tell you, men, this product has changed me back into the man I used to be." -J.A., WA
"I am a 73 year old man. I was really dragging all the time; constantly fatigued. I have to work 8 hours per day and I was always tired. My wife heard about the Pro-MEN and ordered it for me. I have used 2 jars and my fatigue is gone! I feel like a brand new man!" -J.T., TX
"You really helped my older brother. He was facing prostate surgery and had been on a catheter for 10 months. I told him about your product and his Doctor agreed to let him try it for 30 days. After 30 days of using the Pro-MEN the catheter was removed and he was able to go on his own. And they told him that he did not need the operation! What a blessing! God bless you and thanks."
"Since having used ProHelp and getting my husband ProMen creme, we both became lovers again. i believe you saved my marriage! Before the creams came into our lives, i was rarely affectionate with him and we would fight at least once a week. he also got angry easily and wanted a divorce. You have helped me become affectionate with him again and vice versa."
“I got ProMEN and it worked the first night! After using it for five days, I can't believe how well it works. Thank you!” -D. S., LA
“My husband has truly seen such an amazing difference since he started using the ProMEN. Thank you for creating these products. You’re such a blessings to our lives and health.” - W. B., VI
“The ProMEN has helped me significantly. No more daily fog! I missed a couple of days and could tell a major difference.” - B. A., NB
“I purchased the ProMEN for my friend. He is a difference person now! It took a few months to see the results but what radical results they were! He’s like a sweet, sweet, lovable kitten! I expected to have a greater sense of claim in my own life with taking the Menopause Moisture Crème, but it never occurred to me to expect the same in a man.” - C.P., NB
“I’m 55 and have had sharp prostate pain for 10 years. In just 2 days of using the ProMEN, the pain was gone!” - I.M., CA
"I'm a police officer in Washington State and had no energy and felt rather depressed. I feel so good on ProMEN that I am ordering some for my entire Department. My zest for life is back!"